Dear All With all your good wishes and heartily support, Ministry Home Affairs finally registered under FCRA. It was almost 14 months of process, follow up with the officials of the Ministry. Now abhaya can accept foreign contributions through Andhra Bank Account. Please find enclosed here with the Registration of MHA for your kind information. Please do let us know what sort of compliance is needed to be done now. We have 80G exemption as well for the donations under the provisions of 80G which is providing 50% exemption from tax. We are now in the process of getting such exemptions to the tune of 100% or 150% with the help of well wishers. You are aware Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) enlisted abhaya foundation in their recently published “Dossier of NGO’s” for circulating the same amongst their member companies in south India. This is again a matter of pride to all of us. No one now in the country can ask what is abhaya doing? Hope you may have seen the copy of the CI...