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Showing posts from 2012

HUNT THE WINTER - Why Give Away Blankets…Is it worth it ???

Ever since the onset of winter Abhayans have been busy distributing free blankets to destitute and abandoned people on the roads. They have rummaged their neighborhood in search of needy people in the dead of night and provided them much needed relief by way of these blankets. Most of them were women, children and barely mobile senior citizens. It is a noble deed beyond doubt to most citizens. However like every good deed some people view even this with certain amount of suspicion or contempt. Through this blog I want to address this particular section of our audience. Few statements that we get to hear once in a while are like “Why give free blankets. Why not teach them how to earn a blanket”, “Who knows whether they really need them. If they don’t need them they might actually sell it to someone else as second hand”, “They are probably habituated living like that”.             Very valid questions indeed...

How to pool resources for abhaya's Good work?

Good day greetings to all.. abhaya is reaching its second level in serving the people and stepping towards establishing a permanent project for the benefit of the Uncared, abandoned destitute in the state of Andhra Pradesh. We have elected an executive committee and the action points discussed are updated for your reference.. While going forward, there are two primary questions for which we are not able to find answers... we shared our concern with close set of friends to suggest way forward.. The Questions to be addressed are How to increase monthly contributions to support more and more and needy people approaching us? Home of Happiness -  How to raise funds for this magnanimous project? As some great mind said, "If you remove 'I' and think of 'We', even Illness changes to Wellness". When we are thinking on how to serve the people, We got some honest thoughts from the Heart of our friend CS Sastry. We thank his for sharing those thoughts with a...

Watch Sakshi salam to abhaya foundation on 5th Feb, Sunday @ 7:30PM

What is the right age to do social service?

Dear abhayans! Greetings and good day. While spreading the godly work around, we always learn lot of things from different kinds of people. This is for our good as every single learning will further be refining our approach towards Service. When we go to college students only one or two shows passion to join hands for the community work… rest all do not have any idea about community work. In the process we learnt that students are busy with their studies, in achieving goals. Many of the students say that they can only think of service after getting settled in life! When some of the working professionals of abhaya sent emails to friends and colleagues who are settled in life at their work places, they often get very few responses stating that they are busy in meeting day to day priorities as they are tied up beyond explanation post settling in job!! But when we asked those settled people in the society, they normally say that they have absolutely no time and when we sought the s...