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Showing posts from 2011

abhaya celebrate Childrens' Day

Abhaya Thanks Giving Day - my feed!!!

Its been a great day on 29th of October 2011 as abhaya celebrated Thanks Giving Ceremony @ Marriot, Hyderabad. The event is intended to Thank all our Donors for their Kind Hearted Support for all abhaya missions and also to Thank all the Beneficiaries... Who provide us an opportunity to understand them and transform ourselves in the process. It was a Great Experience in participating the Event. This time Dr. Jaya Prakash Narayana, IAS came as a chief guest along with dignitaries like Sri. Ambica Krishna, Padmasri Sri AVS Raju, Sri Aanjaneyulu, Sri Devendra Surana and president Sri SV Hari Prasad.  I got an Opportunity to meet so many kind hearted, like-minded people on that occasion. The speech given by Dr.JP, Sri AVS Raju and Sri Ambica Krishna are note worthy. When the beneficiaries started speaking about their come back in life with abhaya's helping hand, all the audience started crying and felt their pain and agony. Finally this It is great that abhaya is able t...

Abhaya Newsletter for the month of October posted on site

Most Beloved abhayans! Greetings and Good day!  While we lovingly place the abhaya news update in your inbox…we request you to reflect on the inspiring thoughts! “the poor, the illiterate, the ignorant, the afflicted… Let these be our GOD. Know that SERVICE to these alone is the highest religion in this universe!!” Wishing you all the very best for meaningful and purposeful month ahead. We really appreciate your kind hearted association with abhaya and  request you to be part of  “abhaya annual thank giving ceremony”  scheduled to be held on 29 th  Oct’2011 at Marriott, Hyderabad. Please do confirm your participation by 10 th  of October’ 2011 for making necessary arrangements at our end. Click here to view the newsletter

Essesntial Requirements of abhayans

The essential requirements of abhayans who wish to join the Mission Abhaya. Self-strength & unification are the messages of abhaya to the people. Service is not for the benefit of others, but it is for the self-benefit Post, position and designation are never be the criteria for doing good work at abhaya No extravagance while doing good work… it must be silent, without ego and no extravagant. Never try for recognition, accolades and fame in the society and treat Service is our birth right & responsibility. Work is worship and let’s do our duty without expectation of what so ever in return I and mine are the words which pollute us, hence be away from such thoughts in life. Those who can understand, feel and one with suffering and can see the agony of the next fellow are only be eligible for service. Because, one should try to relieve themselves from the pain in the heart which occurred due to empathy with the fellow being. We should consider service as a way to le...

Latest News Update - May 2011

“We have to grow from inside to out. None can teach us! None can make us good!! There is no other teacher but our own soul”. Every single interaction with the people who are in need would be a great learning for abhaya. These days flow of seekers of help is increasing steadily at abhaya… we are happy to note that there are people who wish to support also increasing with that flow. We further more happy to have your availability for doing God’s work through abhaya in your own way. We now take this opportunity to place yet another news update for the Month of May’2011 in your hands seeking your hands of help for those who are in need. Praying god to be with all of you… always… in all ways! Please do spare your value time at leisure to read each page of the news letter. We are sure, you would be immensely happy to note the good work. Click here to read the latest News Update from site

abhaya foundation registered under FCRA

Dear All With all your good wishes and heartily support,  Ministry Home Affairs finally registered under FCRA. It was almost 14 months of process, follow up with the officials of the Ministry. Now abhaya can accept foreign contributions through Andhra Bank Account. Please find enclosed here with the Registration of MHA for your kind information. Please do let us know what sort of compliance is needed to be done now. We have 80G exemption as well for the donations under the provisions of 80G which is providing 50% exemption from tax. We are now in the process of getting such exemptions to the tune of 100% or 150% with the help of well wishers. You are aware Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) enlisted abhaya foundation in their recently published “Dossier of NGO’s” for circulating the same amongst their member companies in south India. This is again a matter of pride to all of us. No one now in the country can ask what is abhaya doing? Hope you may have seen the copy of the CI...

Small vs Big

What effect would a small donation, as small as 100rs, have on a mission where we have to give more than 2 lakhs? The answer to this question: Mission Santosh. So many times I tried to assure my friends that it is not the amount that is important....It is the thought to help someone that is more important....Still the same question is asked innumerable number of times. But, my answer still remains the same. Right from the time I have been assoicated with Abhaya foundation....from Mission Ajay to the about to be concluded Mission Santosh...The answer is still the same. More than 25 people responded to my message to help Santosh. Not everyone gave the same amount. It ranged from 100rs to 5000rs. But what is the final outcome? We achieved what we set out to achieve. With the help of Santosh's friends, college management...we could pool out 2 lakhs. How much do you think his college friends have donated each? They didnot get thousands and thousands of rupees from a sing...


The passion to help others.....The zeal to hang on to that....The wish to do something for the society.... Can these be imbibed forcefully? Can these be provoked without our interest? "I am helping because my friend is helping.....I am donating because it is a cool way of showing others that I care"....Does these really count for empathising with others' feelings? Is there not a gigantic difference between those two perceptions? Are you helping others because you treat it as a duty or you treat it as a compulsion? Sometimes duties become compulsions. But this is different. Without knowing and accepting the feelings of your fellow human beings, does it really count if you are giving money or any other thing to them? Money is not everything. It is fundamental for any organization to run. To help those many cases coming up before us, it plays a vital role. Still, it is not everything. The satisfaction you get when the person whom you have helped in life comes upto yo...

Abhaya Newsletter - January Update

Greetings. Last 30 days were very hectic for us as abhaya’s work is being telecasted by MAA TV in their “Velugu… Veliginchu” program on 2 nd  January’2011.  Following are the links you can also see and enjoy. (part  1)  (part 2)  (part 3)  (part 4)  (part 5) This program created waves of inspiration across the globe and abhaya wish to dedicate this news letter to MAA TV. We request you to be little considerate to know what happened with abhaya during the month of January’11… so that you would be happy to know that together we are able to do such a good work in this country. Though this time news update is crossing 20 pages… we are sure, every single page is coming to you to spread love and care amongst all of us! Happy...

Abhaya Educare meet on 30th Jan

Abhaya Educare Review meet is scheduled for this quarter on Sunday, 30th January 2011. Here is the schedule     *Review Meeting starts exactly at 9.30AM.     * No need if any one wish to come after 9.35 AM     * Let everyone be in good dressing.     * The meeting concludes by Lunch.     * Everyone must bring their monthly report of Jan’11. All the Educare Team members and Volunteers are requested to be there on time without fail. We also welcome anyone who want to be a part of abhaya family and who want to know how abhaya is proceeding with educare projects.

Another opportunity to transform - Post MAA TV program at Abhaya

Abhaya wish to take this opportunity to express its gratitude to MAA TV for their telecast on 02.02.2011 in their 'Velugu Veliginchu'. MAA TV program inspired many souls in country. It established a ray of hope in the lives of hundreds of people. Abhaya taking due from 300 calls received post MAA TV program got in touch with all the people and invited them to be there at abhaya on 9th January at Hyderabad. Needs in value may be crossing Rs.50 Lakhs. Donors, supporters and well-wishers are in tens. The resources are in few lakhs. In these scenarios, who is there to empathize with these people who are in need? Not really bothered about the resources, abhaya started a Mission to be on their side during the crises and shared all the possible love and care during 6 hours session and also tried solving their issues with HEART.

The Difference

A New year has come with New expectations and New responsibilities... Abhaya has welcomed the first day with lots of programs and spent time with people who were in need of moral support to bring-in brightness into their lives. In the first week itself, Abhaya got a huge oppurtunity to put forward our work in front of the whole state through the " Velugu Veliginchu " program of Maa TV . The program was telecast on 2nd Jan 2011. But, the aftermath of this telecast was something that was totally unexpected. More than 250 calls were received seeking help just in the first two days. Not more than 50 calls came from people who were willing to donate or willing to volunteer for joining hands with Abhaya to do the good work. So, Why is this exponential difference? Even as I am writing this, I know there must be someone, somewhere who have called us and about to meet us this sunday....silently thinking about how much amount can abhaya give them....o...

Abhaya started this new year with difference

abhaya started the day with LOVE on very first day of New Year'11... wish you be part of such good work going forward.